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Jo | Operations Support Manager

Jo is a vital member of our operations team. She is currently working hard on her Level 4 Business Analyst Apprenticeship while ensuring everything runs smoothly.

What apprenticeship have you done?

Level 4 Business Analyst – I have just recently submitted everything for final assessment! I first started working at Inntel in 2005 so it’s been a great opportunity to develop my career.

What are your day-to-day duties?

My current role is Operations Support Manager. This involves supporting the operational teams of the business with reporting, KPI’s and process improvements with the aim of making the teams more efficient.

What benefit has on-the-job training had for you?

It has meant I’ve learnt new skills that I can implement in my day-to-day role. It has also enabled me to see the important part each of us plays in making the business as a whole a success.

What are your goals after completing your apprenticeship?

The goal following the completion of my apprenticeship would be to use the skills I have learnt to improve processes in my current role.

What is your greatest success in your role?

Completing my apprenticeship alongside my day-to-day role.

Outside of work, what hobbies do you have?

I enjoy holidays, eating out and exercising.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering doing an apprenticeship?  

I would recommend that anyone undertaking an apprenticeship is strict with themselves and gives it the time and dedication it needs. It can be easy to get distracted by the day-to-day job, but just consider what you will be able to give to the day job once you have completed the programme. Take on board all the training you are given and take the opportunity to speak to others who are doing the same course as you. I picked up some valuable insights from others on the same course as me.


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