The Business Benefits of Environmentally Friendly Travel

Investing in environmentally friendly travel is undoubtedly an effective step towards achieving carbon reduction targets. What’s more, it doesn’t have to be a more expensive option. In fact, there are many benefits to be had from going greener when it comes to corporate travel. Read on to explore the reasons why sustainable travel is good for business.

It could actually reduce costs

It’s true that environmentally friendly travel can come with a higher price tag. Flights can be cheaper than train tickets, for instance. And sustainable aviation fuel can cut aviation emissions by up to 80% compared to traditional fossil fuels; but it’s more expensive. Hotel and events venues with excellent green credentials and public transport links are likely to have higher rates than less eco-friendly equivalents. The list goes on.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Remember that virtual meetings have the lowest impact in terms of environmental and financial costs. Plus, working more online conferences into your programme can support employee well-being and satisfaction because of less time spent away from home.

We recommend a ‘meet less, but meet better’ policy to our clients. When you gain more value from your in person meetings, the need to gather as often is likely to reduce.

Of course, there will always be face-to-face meetings that are a necessity. When you do need to meet in real life, there are many ways to keep travel spend low while minimising your carbon footprint. This is where data comes into its own. A tool like Inntel’s proprietary software, LOGiC Intelligence, provides detailed travel data analytics and carbon reporting, in real time. With a clear picture of the true cost of your corporate travel, discovering savings and finding budgeting solutions becomes massively quicker and easier.

Environmentally friendly travel can support staff retention

Going beyond the statistics, consider the impact of environmentally friendly travel policies on your people. Companies’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) efforts are becoming increasingly important considerations for prospective employees, as well as customers.

For existing staff, too, sharing their organisation’s values and having a higher engagement with ESG is thought to reduce staff turnover. Ultimately, improved retention and talent attraction will have positive financial impacts.

The wider impact of environmentally friendly travel policies

The benefits of ESG initiatives, such as sustainable travel policies, also offer value in terms of supporting a business’ wider reputation among other stakeholders, and public relations more generally. And reducing your organisation’s environmental impact can offer advantages over competitors.

To summarise, embracing environmentally friendly travel practices is not only a way to meet sustainability goals, but also a strategic move that can drive cost savings, improve employee satisfaction, and enhance your company’s reputation. By adopting greener travel solutions, businesses can create a positive impact that resonates with employees, clients, and stakeholders alike.

Get in touch

Want to know more about how we help organisations reduce the carbon footprint of their corporate meetings, events and travel? Our team will be more than happy to help answer your questions. Contact us today.